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Hangar Haciendas Homewoners Association

​The Hangar Haciendas Homeowners Association (HHHA) is incorporated under the laws of the State of Arizona and Maricopa County to represent, serve, and protect the lot owners of the Hangar Haciendas Airpark subdivision.  The HHHA By Laws, which can be found through the link at the end of this page, provide legal definitions and purposes of the HHHA, its members and owners, properties, Board of Directors (BOD), duties, committees, meetings, and member assessments; provides the process for creating amendments and resolving conflicts; and points out the existence and location of the HHHA books and records.  Minutes of the most recent BOD meeting can be found on the link provided at the end of this page.  Contact information for the BOD is provided on a separate page on this website.

A calendar of events for the HHHA is maintained on a separate page of this website.  Early in the spring of each year, the HHHA holds an annual business meeting for the membership which is combined with a BBQ social event for which property owners and their families from all surrounding neighborhoods are invited. The HHHA membership also performs an annual cleanup of 27th Avenue as part of its community outreach, completing this activity during the morning prior to the annual membership meeting and BBQ.  In addition to the annual HHHA meeting, The BOD holds regular meetings once each quarter to address Hangar Haciendas Airpark business matters, and all HHHA members are encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings.


The Fourth Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Hangar Haciendas, dated March 10, 2008, commonly known as “the CC&R’s”, are available on the link provided at the end of this page.  The CC&R’s, separately recorded with Maricopa County, are subdivided into eleven Articles dealing with Definitions, Property Rights, Membership and Voting Rights, Maintenance Assessments, Architectural Control, Use Restrictions, Annexation, Easements, Insurance, and General Provisions.

Architectural Guidelines

Architectural guidelines for the construction of homes and hangars at Hangar Haciendas Airpark are delineated in Article V of the CC&R’s.  To assist property owners in the planning and construction of new home sites and construction at Hangar Haciendas Airpark, the BOD has formed an Architectural Committee, to which HHHA members are elected to serve.  The Architectural Committee reviews site plans and construction plans with lot owners and builders to ensure new construction of homes and hangars, and any additions or renovations, including but not limited to decks, fences and pools, meet the requirements of the CC&R’s.  A useful summary of Architectural Guidelines, which includes the complete process for review and approval of plans, is provided on the link at the end of this page.  Property owners contemplating construction projects at Hangar Haciendas are encouraged to contact the Architectural Committee early in the planning stages of their project, and to remain engaged with the committee throughout the process leading up to final approval.  Committee members are all lot owners, have each been through the process for their own and other Hangar Haciendas properties, and can provide valuable insights and advice that can facilitate the process and help prospective projects avoid expensive design changes and needless delays in final approval.


BOD Documents (links currently not available, click on attachments instead)

A reference compendium of BOD documents is provided for inspection in two separate folders on the links at the end of this web page: “Hangar Haciendas Subdivision Plats” and “Hangar Haciendas Special Use Permit”.

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